Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Sailfin Tang (species: Zebrasoma velifer)

References that assist with identification

  • Allen, G., R. Steene, P. Humann and N. Deloach (2003). Reef fish identification: Tropical Pacific New World Publications Inc., Jacksonville, FL, USA.

Other references

  • Bellwood, D.R. (1988). Ontogenetic changes in the diet of early post-settlement Scarus species (Pisces: Scaridae), Journal of Fish Biology, 33: 213-219. LIRS catalog number 396.
  • Brandl, S.J., W.D. Robbins and D.R. Bellwood (2015). Exploring the nature of ecological specialization in a coral reef fish community: morphology, diet and foraging microhabitat use, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282: 20151147, doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2015.1147. LIRS catalog number 1908.
  • Brandl, S.J. and D.R. Bellwood (2013). Morphology, sociality, and ecology: can morphology predict pairing behavior in coral reef fishes? Coral Reefs, 32: 835-836. LIRS catalog number 1718.
  • Brandl, S.J. and D.R. Bellwood (2014). Individual-based analyses reveal limited functional overlap in a coral reef fish community, Journal of Animal Ecology, 83: 661-670. LIRS catalog number 2063.
  • Bray, R.A. and C.B. Chambers (2000). A new macradeninine, Zebrasomatrema pichelinae n.g., n.sp. (Digenea: Lecithasteridae), from tangs (Perciformes: Acanthuridae) off the southern Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, Systematic Parasitology, 46: 105-109. LIRS catalog number 606.
  • Ceccarelli, D.M., M.J. Emslie and Z.T. Richards (2016). Post-disturbance stability of fish assemblages measured at coarse taxonomic resolution masks change at finer scales. PLOS One, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156232. LIRS catalog number 1971.
  • Clements, K.D. (1997). Fermentation and gastrointestinal microorganisms in fishes in: Gastrointestinal microbiology: Vol. 1: Gastrointestinal ecosystems and fermentations. Eds. R.I. Mackie and B.A. White. Chapman and Hall, New York, pp. 156-198. LIRS catalog number 491.
  • Clements, K.D. and S. Bullivant (1991). An unusual symbiont from the gut of surgeonfishes may be the largest known prokaryote, Journal of Bacteriology, 173(17): 5359-5362. LIRS catalog number 313.
  • Clements, K.D. and J.H. Choat (1995). Fermentation in tropical marine herbivorous fishes, Physiological Zoology, 68(3): 355-378. LIRS catalog number 454.
  • Clements, K.D., D.P. German, J. Piche, A. Tribollet and J.H. Choat (2016). Integrating ecological roles and trophic diversification on coral reefs: multiple lines of evidence identify parrotfishes as microphages, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016. LIRS catalog number 2056.
  • Clements, K.D., G.R. Russ, D. McB. Williams and A.M. Ayling (1988). A species list of the family Acanthuridae (Pisces) of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, with notes on latitudinal distribution patterns,manuscript only. LIRS catalog number 242.
  • Cribb, T.H., R.A. Bray, K.A. Hall and S.C. Cutmore (2015). A review of the genus Antorchis Linton, 1911 (Trematoda: Faustulidae) from Indo-Pacific fishes with the description of a new species, Systematic Parasitology, 92: 1-11. LIRS catalog number 1909.
  • Graba-Landry, A. (2020). The effect of increasing temperature on algae-fish interactions on coral reefs. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 2468.
  • Grutter, A.S. (1997). Effect of the removal of cleaner fish on the abundance and species composition of reef fish, Oecologia, 111: 137-143. LIRS catalog number 504.
  • Gunter, N.L., M.A.A. Burger and R.D. Adlard (2010). Morphometric and molecular characterisation of four new Ceratomyxa species (Myxosporea: Bivalvulida: Ceratomyxidae) from fishes off Lizard Island, Australia, Folia Parasitologica, 57: 1-10. LIRS catalog number 1317.
  • Hall, K.A. and T.H. Cribb (2004). Revision of Affecauda Hall and Chambers, 1999 (Digenea, Gyliauchenidae Fukui, 1929), including description of two new species from fishes of the Indo-West Pacific, Zootaxa, 778: 1-12. LIRS catalog number 1009.
  • Hay, M.E., J.E. Duffy and W. Fenical (1988). Seaweed chemical defences: among-compound and among-herbivore variance, "Proceedings of the Sixth International Coral Reef Symposium".Australia, : 43-48. LIRS catalog number 265.
  • Hoey, A.S. (2010). The ecosystem role of macroalgal browsing fishes on coral reefs. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1415.
  • Jabbar, A., A. Asnoussi, L.J. Norbury, A. Eisenbarth, S. Shamsi, R.B. Gasser, A.L. Lopata and I. Beveridge (2012). Larval anisakid nematodes in teleost fishes from Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63: 1283-1299. LIRS catalog number 1584.
  • Klanten, S.O. (1998). Does morphology predict ecology in coral reef fishes? Honours thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 625.
  • Klanten, S.O. (2003). Molecular phylogeny, temporal patterns of lineage diversification and phylogeography of the surgeonfish genus Naso (Acanthuridae), Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 860.
  • Klanten, L. van Herwerden, J.H. Choat and D. Blair, S. (2004). Patterns of lineage diversification in the genus Naso (Acanthuridae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 32: 221-235. LIRS catalog number 1680.
  • Konow, N., D.R. Bellwood, P.C. Wainwright and A.M. Kerr (2008). Evolution of novel jaw points promote trophic diversity in coral reef fishes, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93: 545-555. LIRS catalog number 1181.
  • Lassig, B.R. (1983). The effects of a cyclonic storm on coral reef assemblages, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 9(1): 55-63. LIRS catalog number 253.
  • Messmer, V. (2010). From genes to ecosystems: patterns, processes and consequences of declining biodiversity in coral reef fish communities. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1413.
  • Nash, K.L., N.A.J. Graham and D.R. Bellwood (2013). Fish foraging patterns, vulnerability to fishing, and implications for the management of ecosystem function across scales. Ecological Applications, 23: 1632-1644. LIRS catalog number 1734.
  • Pichelin, S., L.R. Smales and T.H. Cribb (2016). A review of the genus Sclerocollum Schmidt & Paperna, 1978 (Acanthocephala: Cavisomidae) from rabbitfishes (Siganidae) in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Systematic Parasitology, 93: 101-114. LIRS catalog number 2028.
  • Richardson, L.E., N.A.J. Graham, M.S. Pratchett, J.G. Eurich and A.S. Hoey (2018). Mass coral bleaching causes biotic homogeniszation of reef fish assemblages. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.14119. LIRS catalog number 2200.
  • Smit, N.J., A.S. Grutter, R.D. Adlard and A.J. Davies (2006). Hematozoa of teleosts from Lizard Island, Australia, with some comments on their possible mode of transmission and the description of a new hemogregarine species, Journal of Parasitology, 92: 778-788. LIRS catalog number 991.