Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

References that assist with identification

  • Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene (1990). Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Other references

  • Bray, R.A. and T.H. Cribb (2008). Stephanostomum sp(p). (Digenea: Acanthocolpidae) from scombrids and carangids (Perciformes) from the Great Barrier Reef, with the description of two new species, Revisita Mexicana de Bidiversidad, 79: 49S-68S. LIRS catalog number 1151.
  • Fisher, R., J.M. Leis, D.L. Clark and S.K. Wilson (2005). Critical swimming speeds of late-stage coral reef fish larvae: variation within species, among species and between locations, Marine Biology, 147: 1202-1212. LIRS catalog number 934.
  • Hilomen, V.V. (1997). Inter- and intra-habitat movement patterns and population dynamics of small reef fishes of commercial and recreational significance, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 535.
  • Leis, J.M. and B.M. Carson-Ewart (1998). Complex behaviour by coral-reef fish larvae in open-water and near-reef pelagic envionments, Environmental Biology of Fishes, 53: 259-266. LIRS catalog number 551.
  • Wright, K.J., D.M. Higgs, D.H. Cato and J.M. Leis (2010). Auditory sensitivity in settlement-stage larvae of coral reef fishes, Coral Reefs, 29: 235-243. LIRS catalog number 1289.
  • Wright, K.J., D.M. Higgs and J.M. Leis (2011). Ontogenetic and interspecific variation in hearing ability in marine fish larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 424: 1-13. LIRS catalog number 1388.