Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Other references

  • Bean, K., G.P. Jones and M.J. Caley (2002). Relationships among distribution, abundance and microhabitat specialisation in a guild of coral reef triggerfish (family Balistidae), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 233: 263-272. LIRS catalog number 90019.
  • Bray, R.A., T.H. Cribb and J.-L. Justine (2009). New observations on the genus Hypocreadium Ozaki (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae) in the Indo-West Pacific region, including the description of one new species, Zootaxa, 2110: 22-40. LIRS catalog number 1224.
  • Bray, R., A. Waeschenbach, T.H. Cribb, G.D. Weedall, P. Dyal and D.T.J. Littlewood (2009). The phylogeny of the Lepocreadioidea (Platyhelminthes, Digenea) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial genes: implications for their systematics and evolution, Acta Parasitologica, 54: 310-329. LIRS catalog number 1280.
  • Caley, M.J. (1991). Mechanisms of coexistence in communities of coral-reef fishes, Ph.D. thesis, University of Sydney. LIRS catalog number 307.
  • Caley, M.J. and J. St John (1996). Refuge availability structures assemblages of tropical reef fishes, Journal of Animal Ecology, 65: 414-428. LIRS catalog number 458.
  • Champ, C.M., M. Vorobyev and N.J. Marshall (2016). Colour thresholds in a coral reef fish. Royal Society Open Science, 3: 160399. LIRS catalog number 1989.
  • Champ, C., G. Wallis, M. Vorobyev, U. Siebeck and J. Marshall (2014). Visual acuity in a species of coral reef fish: Rhinecanthus aculeatus, Brain, Behaviour and Evolution, 83: 31-42. LIRS catalog number 1771.
  • Chen, T.C., R.F.G. Ormond and H.K. Mok (2001). Feeding and territorial behaviour in juveniles of three co-existing triggerfishes, Journal of Fish Biology, 59: 524-532. LIRS catalog number 90020.
  • Cheney, K.L., N.F. Green, A.P. Vibert, M. Vorobyev, N.J. Marshall, D.C. Osorio and J.A. Endler (2019). An Ishihara-style test of animal colour vision. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222: jeb189787. LIRS catalog number 2386.
  • Cheney, K.L., C. Newport, E.C. McClure and N..J. Marshall (2013). Colour vision and response bias in a coral reef fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 2967-2973. LIRS catalog number 1720.
  • Curtis, L. (2010). Haemogregarine blood parasites in triggerfish and surgeonfish: distribution, transmission & implications for their host fish, PhD thesis, University of Queensland. LIRS catalog number 1620.
  • Curtis, L.M., A.S. Grutter, N.J. Smit and A.J. Davies (2013). Gnathia aureamaculosa, a likely definitive host of Hemogregarina balistapi and potential vector for Hemogregarina bigemina between fishes of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, International Journal for Parasitology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.11.012. LIRS catalog number 1611.
  • Cutmore, S.C., T.L. Miller, S.S. Curran, M.B. Bennett and T.H. Cribb (2013). Phylogenetic relationships of the Gorgoderidae (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda), including the proposal of a new subfamily (Degeneriinae n. subfam.). Parasitology Research, 112: 3063-3074. LIRS catalog number 1722.
  • Davies, A.J., L. Curtis, A.S. Grutter and N.J. Smit (2009). Suspected viral erythrocytic necrosis (VEN) in a juvenile blackbar triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus, from Lizard island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Marine Biodiversity Records, 2: e149. LIRS catalog number 1247.
  • Green, N.F. H.H. Urquhart, C.P. van den Berg, N.J. Marshall and K.L. Cheney (2018). Pattern edges improve predator learning of aposematic signals. Behavioral Ecology, 29(6): 1481-1486. LIRS catalog number 2262.
  • Holbrook, S.J., R.J. Schmitt, V. Messmer, A.J. Brooks, M. Srinivasan, P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones (2015). Reef fishes in biodiversity hotspots are at greatest risk from loss of coral species, PLOS One, doi10.1371/journal.pone.0124054. LIRS catalog number 1915.
  • Jabbar, A., A. Asnoussi, L.J. Norbury, A. Eisenbarth, S. Shamsi, R.B. Gasser, A.L. Lopata and I. Beveridge (2012). Larval anisakid nematodes in teleost fishes from Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63: 1283-1299. LIRS catalog number 1584.
  • Matchette, S.R., I.C. Cuthill, K.L. Cheney, N.J. Marshalland N.E. Scott-Samuel (2020). Underwater caustics disrupt prey detection by a reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1924): 20192453. LIRS catalog number 2393.
  • Matsuura, K. (1976). Sexual dimorphism in a triggerfish, Balistapus undulatus, Jap. J. Ichthyol, 23: 171-174. LIRS catalog number 90017.
  • McClanahan, T.R. (2000). Recovery of a coral reef keystone predator, Balistapus undulatus, in East African marine parks, Biological Conservation, 94: 191-198. LIRS catalog number 90018.
  • Mitchell, L., K.L. Cheney, F. Cortesi, N.J. Marshall and M. Vorobyev (2017). Triggerfish uses chromaticity and lightness for object segregation. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 171440. LIRS catalog number 2172.
  • Mitchell, M.D., M.I. McCormick, M.C.O. Ferrari and D.P. Chivers (2011). Coral reef fish rapidly learn to identify multiple unknown predators upon recruitment to the reef, PLoS ONE, 6: e15764. LIRS catalog number 1386.
  • Newport, C., N.F. Green, E.C. McClure, D.C. Osorio, M. Vorobyev, N.J. Marshall and K.L. Cheney (2017). Fish use colour to learn compound visual signals, Animal Behaviour, 125: 93-100. LIRS catalog number 2114.
  • Santiago, C., N.F. Green, N. Hamilton, J.A. Endler, D.C. Osorio, N.J. Marshall and K.L. Cheney (2020). Does conspicuousness scale linearly with colour distance? A test using reef fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287: 20201456. LIRS catalog number 2444.
  • Siebeck, U.E. (2002). UV vision and visual ecology of reef fish, Ph.D. thesis, University of Queensland. LIRS catalog number 754.
  • Sweatman, H.P.A. (1985). Habitat selection and the influence of resident humbug fishes, Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus on recruitment, Ph.D. thesis, Macquarie University, Sydney. LIRS catalog number 249.
  • Sweatman, H.P.A. (1985). The influence of adults of some coral reef fishes on larval recruitment, Ecological Monographs, 55(4): 469-485. LIRS catalog number 175.
  • Tebbett, S.B. and D.R. Bellwood (2018). Functional links on coral reefs: Urchins and triggerfishes, a cautionary tale. Marine Environmental Research, 141: 255-263. LIRS catalog number 2215.