Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

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  • Caley, M.J. and P.L. Munday (2003). Growth trades off with habitat specialization, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B (Supplement), 2003: S175-S177. LIRS catalog number 784.
  • Coker, D.J. (2012). The importance of live coral habitat for reef fishes and its role in key ecological processes. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1529.
  • Coker, D.J., N.A.J. Graham and M.S. Pratchett (2012). Interactive effects of live coral and structural complexity on the recruitment of reef fishes. Coral Reefs, 31: 919-927. LIRS catalog number 1563.
  • Cole, K.S. (2009). Modifications of the reproductive complex and implications for the reproductive biology of Gobiodon oculolineatus (Teleostei: Gobiidae), Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84: 261-273. LIRS catalog number 1256.
  • Hing, M. (2019). The evolution of sociality in the genus Gobiodon and its maintenance under a changing climate. PhD thesis, University of Wollongong. The evolution of sociality in the genus Gobiodon and its maintenance under a changing climate. LIRS catalog number 2454.
  • Hing, M.L., O.S. Klanten, M. Dowton, K.R. Brown and M.Y.L. Wong (2018). Repeated cyclone events reveal potential causes of sociality in coral-dwelling Gobiodon fishes. PLoS ONE, 13(9): e0202407. LIRS catalog number 2204.
  • Hing, M.L., O.S. Klanten, M.Y.L. Wong and M. Dowton (2019). Drivers of sociality in Gobiodon fishes: an assessment of phylogeny, ecology and life-history. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 137: 263-273. LIRS catalog number 2308.
  • Munday, P.L., G.P. Jones and M.J. Caley (1997). Habitat specialisation and the distribution and abundance of coral-dwelling gobies, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 152: 227-239. LIRS catalog number 499.