Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Onespot Snapper (species: Lutjanus monostigma)

References that assist with identification

  • Allen, G., R. Steene, P. Humann and N. Deloach (2003). Reef fish identification: Tropical Pacific New World Publications Inc., Jacksonville, FL, USA.

Other references

  • Cribb, T.H., R.D. Adlard, R.A. Bray, P. Sasal and S.C. Cutmore (2014). Biogeography of tropical Indo-West Pacific parasites: A cryptic species of Transversotrema and evidence for rarity of Transversotrematidae (Trematoda) in French Polynesia, Parasitology International, 63: 285-294. LIRS catalog number 1709.
  • Hilomen, V.V. (1997). Inter- and intra-habitat movement patterns and population dynamics of small reef fishes of commercial and recreational significance, Ph.D. thesis, James Cook University, Townsville. LIRS catalog number 535.
  • Holbrook, S.J., R.J. Schmitt, V. Messmer, A.J. Brooks, M. Srinivasan, P.L. Munday and G.P. Jones (2015). Reef fishes in biodiversity hotspots are at greatest risk from loss of coral species, PLOS One, doi10.1371/journal.pone.0124054. LIRS catalog number 1915.
  • Jabbar, A., A. Asnoussi, L.J. Norbury, A. Eisenbarth, S. Shamsi, R.B. Gasser, A.L. Lopata and I. Beveridge (2012). Larval anisakid nematodes in teleost fishes from Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 63: 1283-1299. LIRS catalog number 1584.
  • Miller, T.L. and T.H. Cribb (2007). Coevolution of Retrovarium n. gen. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) in Lutjanidae and Haemulidae (Perciformes) in the Indo-west Pacific, International Journal for Parasitology, 37: 1023-1045. LIRS catalog number 1127.
  • Stewart, B.D. and J.S. Beukers (2000). Baited technique improves censuses of cryptic fish in complex habitats, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 197: 259-272. LIRS catalog number 667.
  • Stewart, B.D. and G.P. Jones (2001). Associations between the abundance of piscivorous fishes and their prey on coral reefs: implications for prey-fish mortality, Marine Biology, 138(2): 383-397. LIRS catalog number 670.