species: Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) proteus in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) proteus

©Anne Hoggett: Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) proteus on feather star Amphimetra tessellata, Watson's Bay, Lizard Island, soft bottom away from reef, 16 metres depth.

©Anne Hoggett: Another specimen of Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) proteus on sponge, Watson's Bay, Lizard Island, soft bottom away from reef, 16 metres depth.

©Anne Hoggett: Close-up of Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) proteus, Watson's Bay, Lizard Island. Note long, thorny arm spines; large, bare radial shields; shorter spines on disc; diamond-shaped dorsal arm plates.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Ophiuroidea
Order Ophiurida
Family Ophiotrichidae
Genus Ophiothrix
Species Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) proteus

Distinguishing features

Distinguishing features still need to be specified.


  • Size data has not been obtained.

Depth range

  • Depth range data is not yet available.



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