species: Zanclea sp. 1 in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Zanclea sp. 1

©Anne Hoggett: Zanclea sp. 1 associated with a bryozoan at Granite Bluff, Lizard Island.

©Anne Hoggett: Zanclea sp. 1 associated with a bryozoan at Granite Bluff, Lizard Island.

©Lyle Vail: Zanclea sp. 1 (white hair-like protrusions) in association with Unidentified bryozoan (brown branching colony) in a shallow cavern at Cobia Hole, Lizard Island. Identified by Dr Daniela Pica.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa
Order Anthoathecata
Family Zancleidae
Genus Zanclea
Species Zanclea sp. 1



Distinguishing features

White, hair-like protrusions extending up to about 5 mm from dark-coloured branching bryozoan colonies (Celleporaria sp.) up to about 20 cm wide. Often found in shallow caverns.


  • Up to 20 cm (bryozoan colony diameter)
  • Up to 0.5 cm (length of exposed portion of hydrozoan)



This is a symbiotic association between a bryozoan (forming the dark skeleton) and a hydroid (the white protrusions). The hydroid is likely to be a species of Zanclea which is always found in association with other sessile animals. (Dr Daniela Pica, pers.comm., 2018).

by Anne Hoggett


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