species: Unidentified crinoid 3 in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Unidentified crinoid 3

©Anne Hoggett: Unidentified crinoid 3 attached to a neptheid soft coral in the lagoon entrance channel, Lizard Island. Arm length is about 8 cm.

©Anne Hoggett: Unidentified crinoid 3 attached to a neptheid soft coral in the lagoon entrance channel, Lizard Island. Arm length is about 8 cm.

©Anne Hoggett: Central area of Unidentified crinoid 3 attached to a neptheid soft coral in the lagoon entrance channel, Lizard Island. Arm length is about 8 cm.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Crinoidea
Order Comatulida
Family Unidentified crinoids
Species Unidentified crinoid 3



Distinguishing features

About 20 arms up to about 8 cm long; strong cirri with 23-25 short segments and at least one strong spine on each middle/distal segment (photos do not show whether there are one or two spines per segment). Distinctive blocked dark/pale colour pattern.

Notes by Anne Hoggett, Nov 2019: This is not a comatulid or an antedonid or a tropiometrid. I don't think it's a mariametrid or a himerometrid (in the old sense of those families) but I can't discount them. My best guess is that it's a Zygometra or a colobometrid. But it's not any of the seven colobometrids currently with photos in LIFG. There are only two other colobometrid species recorded from the area: Decametra parva (which it's not, too many arms, too many cirrus segments and too big) and Iconometra anisa (also not, too many cirrus segments, too big). Need more material.


  • Up to 8 cm (arm length)

Depth range

  • Depth range data is not yet available.



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