Record (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Record details

Bluelined Surgeonfish (species: Acanthurus lineatus)
Observed by Esther Angert
Tue, 15 Mar 2005 12:00:00

Location details

  • Day Reef

  • The site Group ID, as recorded by Lizard Island Research Station, is 378.

    The site ID, as recorded by Lizard Island Research Station, is 2.

    The site was used by the project for the following reason: "collect fish".

  • Marine specimens found at a depth between 0 m and 12 metres.

Details about the specimens

  • 2 specimens. (exact)
  • specimens dead at end of the observation process.
  • specimens removed from natural environment as a part of the record-taking process.
  • The record does not indicate whether reproduction was occurring.

The identification was performed as part of the Adaptations to large cell size in the bacterium Epulopiscium project (ID = 294).

The project ID, as recorded by Lizard Island Research Station, is 294.