Record (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Record details

Sixband Angelfish (species: Pomacanthus sexstriatus)
Observed by Christopher Fulton
Sun, 15 Aug 2004 12:00:00

Location details

  • Lizard Island Group
  • The site Group ID, as recorded by Lizard Island Research Station, is 289.

    The site ID, as recorded by Lizard Island Research Station, is 3.

    The site was used by the project for the following reason: "Collect, behavioural observations and swimming speed estimates (in situ)".

  • Marine specimens found at a depth between 0 m and 12 metres.

Details about the specimen(s)

  • Specimen count is not recorded.
  • The record does not indicate whether reproduction was occurring.

The identification was performed as part of the Wave energy and the structure of reef fish assemblages: the role of swimming performance project (ID = 238).

The project ID, as recorded by Lizard Island Research Station, is 238.