Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Spotfin Lionfish (species: Pterois antennata)

Other references

  • Lonnstedt, O., (2018). Correction to ‘Lionfish predators use flared fin displays to initiate cooperative hunting’, Biology Letters, 14, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0716: 20170716. LIRS catalog number 2213.
  • Lonnstedt, O.M., M.C.O. Ferrari and D.P. Chivers (2014). Lionfish predators use flared fin displays to initiate cooperative hunting, Biology Letters, 10(6): 20140281. LIRS catalog number 1848.
  • Sweatman, H.P.A. (1985). Habitat selection and the influence of resident humbug fishes, Dascyllus aruanus and D. reticulatus on recruitment, Ph.D. thesis, Macquarie University, Sydney. LIRS catalog number 249.
  • Sweatman, H.P.A. (1985). The influence of adults of some coral reef fishes on larval recruitment, Ecological Monographs, 55(4): 469-485. LIRS catalog number 175.