Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: species: Goniastrea stelligera

Other references

  • Aldredge, A.L. and J.M. King (1977). Distribution, abundance and substrate preference of demersal zooplankton at Lizard Island lagoon, Great Barrier Reef, Marine Biology, 41: 317-333. LIRS catalog number 1.
  • Babcock, R.C., G.D. Bull, P.L. Harrison, A.J. Heyward, J.K. Oliver, C.C. Wallace and B.L. Willis (1986). Synchronous spawnings of 105 scleractinian coral species on the Great Barrier Reef, Marine Biology, 90: 379-394. LIRS catalog number 300.
  • Baird, A.H., J.R. Guest and B.L. Willis (2009). Systematic and biogeographical patterns in the reproductive biology of scleractinian corals, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 40: 551-571.
  • Baird, A.H. and P.A. Marshall (2000). Bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef: differential susceptibilities among taxa, Coral Reefs, 19: 155-163.
  • Berumen, M.L. (2000). Influence of diet and habitat on the condition of butterflyfish, M.Sc. thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 719.
  • Berumen, M.L., M.S. Pratchett and M.I. McCormick (2005). Within-reef differences in diet and body condition of coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 287: 217-227. LIRS catalog number 1019.
  • Blanckaert, A.C.A., R. Reef, J.M. Pandolfi and C.E. Lovelock (2020). Variation in the elemental stoichiometry of the coral–zooxanthellae symbiosis. Coral Reefs, 39: 1071-1079. LIRS catalog number 2446.
  • Dornelas, M. (2006). Coral assemblages and neutral theory. PhD thesis, James Cook University. LIRS catalog number 1626.
  • Dornelas, M. and S.R. Connolly (2008). Multiple modes in a coral species abundance distribution, Ecology Letters, 11: 1008-1016. LIRS catalog number 1145.
  • Graham, E.M., A.H. Baird and S.R. Connolly (2008). Survival dynamics of scleractinian coral larvae and implications for dispersal, Coral Reefs, 27: 529-539.
  • Harii, S., N. Yasuda, M. Rodriguez-Lanetty, T. Irie and M. Hidaka (2009). Onset of symbiosis and distribution patterns of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the larvae of scleractinian corals, Marine Biology, 156: 1203-1212.
  • Kaly, U.L. (1995). Experimental test of the effects of methods of attachment and handling on the rapid transplantation of corals. CRC Reef Research Centre, Technical Report, 1, 21 pp.. LIRS catalog number 1667.
  • Stafford-Smith, M.G. (1993). Sediment-rejection efficiency of 22 species of Australian scleractinian corals, Marine Biology, 115: 229-243. LIRS catalog number 699.
  • Stafford-Smith, M.C. and R.F.G. Ormond (1992). Sediment rejection mechanisms of 42 species of Australian scleractinian corals, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43: 683-705. LIRS catalog number 366.