Edit the description's bibliography (Lizard Island Field Guide)

Edit the description's bibliography

Animalia: Cockscomb Oyster (species: Lopha cristagalli)

References that assist with identification

  • Humann, P. and N. Deloach (2010). Reef Creature Identification: Tropical Pacific New World Publications Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Other references

  • Burdon-Jones, C. and G.R.W. Denton (1981). Metals in marine organisms from the Great Barrier Reef Province. Part 1. Base line survey,Interim Progress Report, James Cook University, Townsville.. LIRS catalog number 69.
  • Goggin, C.L. and R.J.G. Lester (1987). Occurrence of Perkinsus species (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) in bivalves from the Great Barrier Reef, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 3: 113-117. LIRS catalog number 237.
  • Marin, I. (2011). Lacertopontonia chadi gen. et sp. nov., a new oyster-associated Pontonia-like pontoniine shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Zootaxa, 2968: 57-68. LIRS catalog number 1398.