species: Phymanthus sp. 1 in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Phymanthus sp. 1

©Barbara Banks: Phymanthus sp. 1, 4 to 5 cm diameter at Clam Garden, Lizard Island. Thanks to Dr Andrew Crowther (SA Museum) for the identification.

©Barbara Banks: Phymanthus sp. 1, 4 to 5 cm diameter at Clam Garden, Lizard Island. Thanks to Dr Andrew Crowther (SA Museum) for the identification.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hexacorallia
Order Actiniaria
Family Phymanthidae
Genus Phymanthus
Species Phymanthus sp. 1



Distinguishing features

Distinguishing features still need to be specified.


  • Size data has not been obtained.



Dr Andrea Crowther (SA Museum) provided the following information about Phymanthus:

"Their tentacle outgrowths are slightly different to Heteractis aurora, in that they have outgrowths that are on either side of the tentacle, not a ring like in H. aurora. The outgrowths can be from little nubbins like in your photo, to some really elaborately branched outgrowths. Here are some photos of the variety: http://www.wildsingapore.com/wildfacts/cnidaria/actiniaria/phymanthus.htm.

The two larger white tentacles are seen every now and then. Those tentacles are in line with the siphonoglyphs (grooves) in the actinopharynx (throat) – the directive axis. As per usual with sea anemones, the number of species in this genus is most likely under-represented. But because of the variation in tentacle morphology and colour, species boundaries are sketchy!"

by Anne Hoggett


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