species: Celleporaria sp. in Lizard Island Field Guide (Lizard Island Field Guide)
Celleporaria sp.

©Lyle Vail: Celleporaria sp. (dark branching colony) with symbiotic hydrozoans (Zanclea sp. 1) in a shallow cavern at Cobia Hole, Lizard Island. Identified by Dr Daniela Pica.

©Anne Hoggett: Celleporaria sp. (dark branching colony) with symbiotic hydrozoan Zanclea sp. 1 (white hair-like protrusions) in an underhang at Cod Hole near Lizard Island. Identified by Dr Daniela Pica.

©Anne Hoggett: Celleporaria sp. (dark branching colony) with symbiotic hydrozoans (Zanclea sp. 1) at Cobia Hole, Lizard Island.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Bryozoa
Family Celleporidae
Genus Celleporaria
Species Celleporaria sp.



Distinguishing features

Dark-coloured colonies up to 20 cm wide with a hard, branching skeleton, in association with symbiotic hydrozoans (Zanclea sp. 1) showing as white, hair-like protrusions extending up to about 5 mm from the skeleton. Found in shallow caverns.

Identified as genus Celleporaria due to similarity to photos of Celleporaria sibogae in iNaturalist (accessed 18 Mar 2023), a species described in 1986 from Indonesia which also associates with Zanclea hydrozoans. Celleporaria sibogae does not appear to have been recorded from Australia to date (ALA accessed 18 Mar 2023).


  • Size data has not been obtained.



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